
World Map


Literally translated to "Beautiful Land", Serenestí is renowned for being a beautiful forested country that doesn't experience much in the way of seasons. Its forest borders are well-protected by the True Faithen military. Because the farmland is south of the forest's border, it is technically not under the protection of Serenestí's military control.

The Selestorinth

The pinaccle of True Faithen pride and status, The Selestorinth is a place of government and religion in Serenestí. Governmental affairs occur in Selest'Hí and Selest'Kath, while important religious ceremonies and practices occur in Selest'Den. Mass Meetings of military leaders, the High Council and High Lord are held in the Great Hall in Selet'Hí. The Great Library in Selest'Kath holds the most important and trustworthy accounts of True Faithen recorded time, dating back thousands of years.


The walled City of Hémon consists of four cities (within its walls) and five villages (outside the walls), with the Hall of the Four Lords in its centre. The wall was built following a conflict between Hémon's kings and True Faithen missionaries to keep outside influences from mixing with Hemonian practices. Each of the four cities within the wall has its own temple--places of worship to honour the founding fathers of Hémon--as well as a palace where each city's king resides. There are also factories where labourers process the foreign goods coming into the City.

Hémon has strict regulations about who can enter and leave its inner City, and any True Faithen of Serenestí who visits is put to death.


Pehneppé is a riverside port city and a main trade route to Oksía. The main part of the city is separated into four quadrantswith its richer districts in the north closer to the river and its slums in the south. Much of Pehneppé's trade occurs in the Town Centre where the four quadrants meet. Town Centre is also where news is spread about the rest of the city's major events. The wealthiest people, nobles and the Dahgan who governs the city live in a walled off section called High End. Seldom does any merchant or traveller passing through have the opportunity to enter High End, and any who do are arrested.